Breadth indicators are powerful market indicators that require very intensive calculations. They help us explain the movements of a stock index by examining the collective behavior of its component stocks. We currently publish 319 breadth indicators that are based on 10 of the stock indices that we track. These are:
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- S&P 500
- Nasdaq 100
- S&P 100
- S&P 400 MidCap
- S&P 600 SmallCap
- NYSE Composite
- UK 100
- CAC 40
We apply the Moving Average, the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and New Highs/Lows to each index component. This is done repeatedly with different parameters, where appropriate, and the results are compiled according to the following criteria:
- The number of stocks that are at new highs (or lows) and their difference (NH-NL)
- The number of stocks that are currently trading above their moving average
- The number of stocks with RSI above 70 (the price has risen rapidly)
- The number of stocks with RSI below 30 (the price has declined rapidly)
- The average value of the RSI for all stocks
All our breadth indicators are available for the last 3 years to show past performance. We maintain short and longer term versions of these indicators to suit different trading strategies.